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Plant-Based Spirituality

The following link provides every available translation of the Hermetic Tabula Smaragdina from antiquity to modernity. The most recent of which, translated in 1998, is listed below.

Tabula Smaragdina

Translated by Dan Winters 

  1. The universe is made of one substance. The compressibility of this universal medium stores form and memory in wave shape. Einstein’s famous equation E=MC2 shows that energy and mass are the same thing, in different forms.

  2. The universe has one wave shape, the sine wave. This principle of frequency signatures called “Fourier” means that even the most complex shape is a simple sum of sine waves of different lengths.

  3. The universe can be described as a geometry of pressure. Geometry produces symmetry, which allows waves proceeding from opposite directions to meet each other and stand (to phase and phaselock.) Standing waves give the illusion of stability, segregation of momentum, and make possible the birth of matter. Pressure occurs where waves meet.

  4. Ratio is sacred; scale is profane. If the geometry of replication is embraced in a seed of any scale, it is ratio that has the power. Size is unimportant where information is concerned, since information can travel to any scale via the wave guide, and be manifested. The universe is a hologram; even the tiniest part contains information about the whole.

  5. Focus is the only medium that creates, in a universe made of waves. Focus creates a pathway, or gravity, for waves to meet. According to the “Attractor” theory in mathematics, focus converges the harmonics (waves which fit into each other) into nests which stand, called matter.

  6. Shape is the only thing the universe has to conserve. Naming, and memory, ring out only from differences in shape, not substance.

  7. The only way to conserve shape along a path is to maintain the ratio of length, area and volume (a nest of ratios.)

  8. The best pathway to maintain a nest of ratios is the golden mean (Phi). Phi squared and Phi cubed are represented by the ratcheted dodecahedron. This pathway enables information (shape) to be moved without loss of momentum (mind). The closer a material comes to forming this shape and path, the greater its conductivity. Think of superconductivity that is super-coherence of resonance or wave shape.

  9. Coherence at any level is coherence at every level. An orderly relation between wave lengths establishes a connection between frequencies and fields, which cannot persist unless it resonates to ALL frequencies and fields. This harmonic cascade (Jacob’s Ladder) establishes the connectedness called holography, and also ecstasy.

  10. DNA is a four-dimensional dodecahedron, in the sense that adding one spin to three dimensions adds a harmonic and a nest for memory. (The pressure envelopes of the little bubbles of light which make up the matter of the gene are enfolded or enveloped with another harmonic, with each successive axis of spin, or symmetry.) The DNA double-helix keeps a set of wavelengths evenly spaced on a path through time and space, thus conserving the wave shape.

  11. Light, when folded back on itself, comes to know itself. The spiral-within-a-spiral-within-a-spiral creates genetic material at all levels. Light causes an extra axis of spin, which superimposes a harmonic of frequencies upon a nest of frequencies in an envelope of pressure we call light as matter. This creates extra mind, because the universal mind meets itself at every wave intersection. So the denser the intersections, or nodes, the greater the self-knowingness, or sense of identity. (See Arthur Young’s book, Reflexive Universe.) Thus identity in the cell (immunity) and coherence are the same thing, metabolically and emotionally.

Tree of Life

Equilibrium and Beauty

Schisandra Chinensis - Magnolia Vine

Wu Wei Zi - The Five Flavored Fruit

     Wu We Zei is one of my favorite daily supplements I use to provide me with an extra boost of energy and clarity through out the day. I have noticed no ill side effects. It is similar to taking an effective nootropic, but containing no cavfefine or artificial compounds, the energy itself feels cleaner. When consumed Intentionally, it gives you that, 'woke up feeling right' feeling, even if you didn't wake up feeling right. 


     The Sun stands as the ruling luminary of this organic, also known as Magnolia berry. It is among the first herbs studied by scientists in the early 1900's. It became known as the epitome of Adaptogenics because of its versatility. The hunters who were being studied made claims of the berry suppressing their desire for hunger, thirst, and reduced the desire to sleep, all while increasing energy levels. These hunters were chewing berries... Hopefully, you have the spagyric, the fully evolved version of the berries.  The effects the hunters claimed have been found to be true. Further claims suggest the berries increase the capacity to see without light, though further research is required. The berries are used extensively in Ayurveda, the name Wu Wei Zi means, "to quiet the mind and calm the heart". This carries great potential for metaphysical application. The primary obstacle we face in our left brained analytical society is to quiet the mind and to wrangle and tame the internal monologue to regain greater awareness of the origin and expression of our thoughts, feelings, emotions, and all mentation.

     We We Zei has been scientifically shown to exert equalizing affects by targeting the fluid networks of the body. This makes it a good herb to combat night sweats, dehydration, and kidney dis-ease. These effects fall right in line with the herbs classification on the Tree of Life on the branch of Equilibrium and Beauty, traditionally Tiphareth. Alas, the Sun, being the rejuvenating invigorating force that potentiates your energy, uses Schisandra to guide its own fire through the faculties of our awareness that require balance. As an herb working to still the waves of the mind, and keeping balance in mind (pun intended), it should be noted that the brain is 80 percent water, you should drink the most purified water to act as the carrier for the solar energy, not just for balance between the herbs affects, but because you probably aren't drinking enough water! Half your body weight in ounces a day!

     We can harness the affects of Wu Wei Zi for spiritual expansion by understanding that the nature of whole-being-healing is to reinstate the operators consciousness closer to the internal divisions between the physical avatar and the non physical realities. This is objectively measured when the mind is in a Theta state, which we know to be the state meditators seek to achieve with thoughtlessness. Through technological advancements and alternative herbal treatments we can catalyze this state of consciousness much easier than if it were through brute application of willpower, which some monks say takes a lifetime. 

     Simply put, this division is between the objective and the subjective worlds. They are not really divided, but one can become easily lost in either polarity for lengths of time that could span for multiple generations (or reincarnations?) It is simply the matter of Experiencing the reality of the world tethered to the other side in order to awaken to the true nature of reality. What followed for me was the desire to know the truth of the world, inside and out. Our western culture has made the objective world and glorification of its materiality the foundational hallmark of our society. In doing so we have reduced the expression of our subjective endowments effectively causing mass populations to suffer from mental, therefore subjective health issues that cannot be understood through a solely objective lens. On the path of whole-being-healing, both realities, objective and subjective are taken into account, and the appropriate balance is sought between the two. Balance comes in the form of re-familiarizing ourselves with our unique expression into the subjective, non-physical reality and understanding this to be a natural extension of our lives apart of a larger reality, beyond our cities, beyond our state or nationality, its  The Real World we should be living in, that we have forgotten about.


     When the desire is again cultivated to begin exercising these innate talents, we need a teacher and there is no better teacher than nature. This Solar herbs primary expression just so happens to be one of the annotated Siddhis. A Siddhi is (Sanskrit: सिद्धि siddhi; fulfillment, accomplishment) spiritual, paranormal, supernatural, or otherwise magical powers, abilities, and attainments that are the products of spiritual advancement through practices such as meditation and yoga. These Siddhis stand to serve as checkpoints on the way to spiritual attainment. Of the annotated Siddhis, there are 5 primary and 10 secondary powers. Krishna describes the The first power of the secondary siddhis in the Bhagavata Purana as Anūrmimattvam, meaning The quality of being undisturbed  by hunger, thirst, sleep, and other bodily appetites. So here we have scientifically proven effects of herbal medicine bringing about a known paranormal power, or more so, a spiritual attainment on the path to total self realization. A spiritual attainment can be understood as a 'an experientially new effect of willpower.' Some call the continual realization and mastery of these powers the path of enlightenment. Some say these powers are infinite.

To the average human, to be undisturbed by hunger and thirst don't sound so much like super powers. However, the aspirant knows the path of enlightenment dictates an individual must have total control over all of his carnal desires, food and water being a carnal desire, it can have many applications in fasting and transitioning diets. Not to mention, didn't Jesus fast for 40 days before he went super saiyan?  Im just saiyang...If youre looking to conquer some of your carnal desires to gain further self mastery, Schisandra may be for you.  Not all plants give you extraordinary capacities, but all do~do something, you must ask yourself, "is it serving to me?" ... If you find it is, I can deliver it at no cost.  

     It is not often we find direct correlations between the ancient scriptures and modern scientific findings but the Magnolia Vine is a shining example. Again, whole-being-healing is an effort to revitalize and reawaken the dormant spiritual powers to so the further unfoldment of our uniqueness and exploration of our non physical worlds may take place. This herbal spagyric is only meant to show you what you are alraedy capable of and should never be abused. The science says you cannot last three days without water nor three weeks without food. Do not try to push it with Schisandra Chinensis. If you do I claim no responsibility but I do want to hear about it.  

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