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How its Made

From soil to healing



 A spagyric is a highly concentrated, purified, and astronomically potentiated form of plant matter. The term itself means literally 'to pull apart and recombine'. What is being separated is the the three animating life forces, spirit, body, and soul, to receive a purification or evolution, and then recombined to a more exalted and bioavailable form of  the specific herb.
Short Path vs Long Path
The length of the path being referenced here is the amount of time it takes to create. The short-path utilizes grain alcohol for extracting certain herbal components, whereas in the long-path, the alcohol is derived from the herb in question. Because of the time, energy, and resources put into long-path spagyrics, they are slightly more expensive.   The long-path is closer to true holism, however, short-path spagyrics are the most commonly scientifically tested. 

Step 1


The first step is harvesting, which is precisely timed with the planets that govern the plant being used. In Alchemical tradition, each plant corresponds to a planetary body and zodiacal sign, and thus a specific day of the week and time of the day, offers us the optimal timing to harvest a plant nearest to its most holistic state and when it would be most effective in its uses. Every step in the spagyric process is coordinated using this flexible planetary system of timekeeping. Performing any spagyric actions, be it consuming or creating, in alignment with the cosmic energy of the natural worlds, provides a certain type of energy that just doesn't come with western medicines. It has to be experienced to be understood. 


Step 2


The Second step is to extract and purify the plants soul. This is done via steam distillation in efforts to isolate the herbs essential oils. In Alchemy, this is referred to as the Sulfur of the plant. The essential oils contain hydrocarbons, oxygenated compounds, aromatics, and more that even just a tiny drop or two of one of these naturally released, active chemical constituents, can have a immediately noticeable affects on the immune system and mood of the user. 


Step 3


The Third step is to release and purify the spirit, from the body of the plant. This is done by fermenting the herb and then distilling its alcohol content multiple times over. Traditionally, 7 times distilled provides the most potentiated spirit, and of course, done in accordance with the planetary system of time. The more distillations, the more powerful the spagyric.


Step 4


The Fourth step is a purification of the body of the plant. Only after the souls oils are released and the spirit is fermented and distilled, can the next step take place. Through calcination of the plants body the unique mineral content can be leeched from the ashes, filtered and made bioavailable via crystallization. The longer the herb is calcined the more potent the spagyric will be.


Step 5


The Fifth and final step is cohobation, or birthing. With the astronomical alignments in mind, we take our now three separated and purified herbal, alcohols, oils, and crystals, and the three substances are systematically recombined to mark the birth of the medicine. The longer the spagyric elixir ages, the stronger the spagyric becomes. 
Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim
Spagyric plant alchemy is a delicate and precise art. The term 'spagyric' was coined by the famous Swiss physicist named above, Paracelsus for short​. In the 14th century and onward, spagyrics were originally created as apart of unique alchemical procedures meant to evolve the alchemists soul through a process of refinement and purification that allowed for an Alchemist to achieve a non-ordinary state of consciousness known as gnosis in ancient times. This is a greek word meaning knowledge of spiritual mysteries, in reference to a direct communication with god and its angels and various spirits. This type of thought, that man could have direct experience of divinity, was heresy during this time. Paracelsus was murdered, many alchemists turned underground, and many more were burned at the stake. Spagyric medicine, as a result of political, social, and spiritual oppressions, as a truly holistic form of medicine making disappeared for nearly 400 years. Meanwhile, materialist scientific institutions began to blossom, paving the way for the technological advancements of the later centuries. Spagyrics received a modern revival in the mid 20th century with scientific backing in the 21st,  it's now known for its ability to amplify the innate properties (or other latent qualities) of plant life. What was once Renaissance magic, is now a modern, truly organic alternative medicine that can encourage a healthy and organic lifestyle. The broad spectrum of herbal application available for our benefit is truly remarkable, with spagyrics we can harness the quintessence of any living plant, and use it to rejuvenate and revitalize our own spirit body and soul,
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