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Schisandra is a well studied and incrediblly versatile herb. It is an excellent tonic and restorative that increases the zest for life.


Clinical trials have shown those taking Schisandra tincture to become more sociable and less emotionally tense. Research shows it to be an excellent performacne aid in both physcial and mental stamina. It also carries a pronounced antihepatoxic (liver-protective) actions. One trial noted a 76 percent success rate in treating Hepatitis with no noted side affects.


Schisandra stimulates the nervous system increasing nervous system responses and reflexes improving mental clarity. Berries carry a mild antidepressant activity and thought to improve nervous irritability and forgetfulness.


Schisandra has been used extensively in Russia to treat Chronic alcholism.


Some of its current uses are probably best known as sexual stimulants for men and women, increasing sexual fluids and improving stamina in men. It has strong affects on the bodies fluid levels by exerting balancing effects on it, making it helpful for night sweats, thirst, and urinary frequency. As a fluid balancer, it is very often used to tone up, strengthen and restore kidney function.  


Although it is a stimulant, it also can act as a sedative for insomnia an dream disturbed sleep. It serves as a good example of how adaptogenic herbs can work in often contradictory ways, having active expression in both dualities.


Key Constituents:

  • Lignans (schizandrin, deoxychizandrin, gomisin)
  • Triterpeneso
  • Volatile Oil
  • Vitamins C and E


Key Actions

  • Nerve Tonic
  • Adaptogenic
  • Protects liver

Schisandra Chinensis

  • This is a short-path spagyric.


    Starwest Botanicals Schisandra Chinensis

    151 Proof Everclear Grain Alcohol

    Distilled water

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